Monday, 21 April 2014

The Witches' Herbal

Mike Howard's book The Witches' Herbal is selling well and is available from The Museum of Witchcraft store. It will shortly be available from their online shop.
Copies can also be purchased from Atlantis Bookshop in London.

Magic in Modern London 1928 - Edward Lovett

An illustrated hard back reprint of Magic in Modern London 1928, written by charm collector Edward Lovett, is currently at the printers and will hopefully be ready for a book launch at The Museum of Witchcraft's Day of the Departed event on May 10th. The book is illustrated with photographs of charms held at the Museum of Witchcraft and has the addition of the Lovett's booklet Folklore and Legends of the Suffolk Downs and Surrey Hills...
more to come when it's arrived.